Wednesday, December 4, 2013

In Defense of Solid Wood Flooring

When choosing a nice new floor, many homeowners won't even consider solid wood flooring as an option. Wood gets a bit of a bad rap sometimes, and most of the criticism focuses on the amount of maintenance that real wood products require. And then there's the element of risk - nobody wants a floor that can be ruined by the slightest spillage. Unless you're some kind of ultra-cautious, clumsy-proof superhuman, you'll want your home to allow for at least the occasional error.

But you shouldn't let your chronic butterfingers be a barrier between you and your dream floor. It's time to stop talking about the drawbacks of solid wood flooring and start acknowledging the positives. Frankly, nobody would bother with wood if it were nothing but a persistent pain, so let's take a look at some of the arguments for wooden floors:It Looks Great!

This is without a doubt the main selling point of solid wood flooring. Laminate floors might be more durable and versatile than hardwood, but if we're going exclusively on appearance then wood is the winner every time. The natural-yet-luxurious veneer of a genuine oak wood floor is one heck of a good way to brighten up a room, and whether your interior design tastes lean towards untarnished elegance or vintage-style shabby chic, there's bound to be a solid wood floor out there that suits your palate.

It Feels Great!

Okay, if you've just gotten out of bed on a cold winter's morning then you'd probably rather have a nice, warm carpet under your feet. At any other time, though, solid wood's grainy terrifically tactile texture is utterly unbeatable. It's a nice, smooth feel, although the subtle grain of the surface feels pleasantly organic, which makes it lovelier even than laminate.

It Keeps On Giving!

As demanding as solid wood flooring can sometimes be, it's also the most rewarding kind of floor on the market. Sure, carpeting is cheap and doesn't need very much attention, but solid wood is a product that you'll never stop loving. It will still be just as appealing in a decade's time as it is today, and if you do your best to take care of it, the stunning effect it has on your home won't have diminished either.

Potential Buyers Will Love It!

And if you don't intend to stay in your current property for as long as ten years, you can still benefit from a beautiful bit of hardwood. When an estate agent sees that you've got real wood flooring in your living room, their estimate will skyrocket; everyone knows that wood does wonders for a house's market value, and if you're looking to sell then a wood floor will have potential buyers falling over each other to make you an offer.

So while it's true that real wood flooring isn't for everyone, it's hard to deny that it has an awful lot going for it. Perhaps the next time you're re-flooring a room, you won't be so scared of solid wood and its sumptuous style!

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